About 3 weeks ago I was cleaning up email at Starbucks one Saturday afternoon while Justin was playing in a tennis tournament. I received that call that puts a crack in anyone's heart...that panicked, in pain, hurt call..."I think it's my ACL". And long story short after the usual clown show that is our healthcare system; he tore his ACL and medial and lateral meniscus. Immediate surgery. Within a few days we were up at the crack of dawn, and not to run, but for 5:45 AM surgery. I had perfectly planned out the day (because naturally if that was a career I would be people's day planners🙋). I would drop him off, go running, and then work from a Starbucks near there for a few hours, pick him up, and back to life as normal. Yea. No. I do not think either of us knew what we were getting in to.
After, I left the prep room, I had to sign a bunch of paperwork, one document which stated there was a possibility he could die 😕Now, I hate being dramatic, the chances of that were .0000001%, if that; but it shook me. My hand was shaking so much while signing, the nurse hugged me. (*very embarrassing) To boot as I walked out the double doors the nurse came running and said, "You'll want this!" and handed me his ring 😲.
How fast life changes. 2 years ago at this time I went from yes, I want to get married, feels right, logical next step➯to now having the thought of what if? Life without Justin, just wouldn't even be worth living.
There's a protocol for these breakdown situations🠞 Phone Mom. I cried, and part of me was waiting for her to tell me to pull it together like when I was little and a hot mess over things; but instead I felt her virtual hug.💗 Roughly, 5 hours later and a phone call that there was a change of plans during surgery, I went to see him. The nurses helped me get him in the car; and as they did I thought..🤔 well how will I get him in the house? However, they assured me he had crutches. Well, let me tell you those suckers only work if you have all your faculties functioning. So, cutting to the chase...buckets of sweat later, a random strong neighbor, 6 trips to Walgreens, 3 to CVS, 1 all out breakdown at Walgreens, more throw-up than I ever wanted to clean up, multiple nurse calls for help, we hit a functioning level where I could go upstairs and scream into a pillow.
We were a team before; but now so even more 💗 |
Fast forward to the day before, I finally got him to agree to cancel his ticket, and we decided (well, he decided) I would just go.
I don't even remember taking off or landing; the flight attendant said she wasn't sure if I was alive. Best flight/nap ever. To Minneapolis. We then proceeded to fly from Minneapolis to Duluth 3x due to thunderstorms💩 I had to hustle to get my bib, and basically just went to bed. The original plan had been Justin & I were going to share a hotel room with 2 of our close friends, Dan & Kerry. I felt a tad guilty that I was the 3rd wheel to their party, but I tried to let them do their thing and not get in the way. A 4 am wake-up call led to the elite bus being 30 minutes late and lots of Type A runners freaking out.
Which brings me to here💥 None of this➱ the guilt from leaving Justin, the circus clown plane tour to Duluth, nor the bus "situation" really bothered me. Instead, I found myself in this insane cloud of gratefulness. To be there. To be racing. To be feeling as strong and healthy as I was.
Easy decision on who these shoes would go to👍 |
Afterwards, Adam & I debriefed and talked next steps.
ANY day when I get to hang with my sole sister Kerry, is a GREAT DAY 💗💗💗💗 |
The return trip was without drama, but with more thought. Typically, post race I find every way possible to critique. And don't get me wrong, I really want those 3 "float" miles back; but on the whole, I love where I am at mentally right now - which I think has been my biggest roadblock. Adam would adamantly say you CANNOT compartmentalize the different aspects of your life, and think what is going on in one area will not effect another area. Which, after a year of fighting with him on that, ok, fine. But, I do think I did something at this race I have never done before. Every time, I started to let my mind swirl, I found myself thinking about what I WAS grateful for.
- My whole routine this week went out the window, not ideal before a race👉I am so grateful I am healthy to make sure we could get through this and take care of him. I thrive on adrenaline.
- 3 flights to Duluth, crappy for legs, messes up my whole pre race routine👉how cool is it that I met this amazing travel buddy to laugh our way through this, and perhaps even give the legs some extra rest just sitting.
- Bus 30 minutes late, shoot, whole warm-up routine out the window👉it's really cold outside anyway; this is perfect I will have just enough time to do 2 quick miles and then race!
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It's June. I am wearing gloves. Enough said. |
I share this because anyone who has been kind enough to follow this journey would recognize, if not be shocked by how far I have come in the mental department. And, I can't really offer any key nuggets on how I got there but, well, perspective.
I am excited about this training block, having a ton of fun, pushing really hard, and while I know I have a lot of work to do, also kind of excited about all the work that has been done!
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