If you told me a few years ago I would be writing a blog, I wouldn't have believed you. If you told me I would be writing a blog about attending a "retreat", I would be concerned you were headed toward the loony bin. And yet, here I am doing just that - I am not sure where that puts me๐
** This is long so if you want the cliff notes version, skip to the end, otherwise here is the inside scoop!
Last weekend, I had the opportunity to attend Kara Goucher's Podium Retreat, and not only did it blow my expectations away, it was one of the best weekend's of my life๐ A buddy texted me..."you have to blog about it, I'm nosy".....and I thought that's a good idea because I actually scoured Google before I left to see what I was getting myself into; and found a few blogs with an insider look. So, I am "giving back" to the google search obsession I often take from!
First, full disclosure → I dreaded this. Wholeheartedly. Tried to get out of it 3x.
(1) Kara, is Adam's wife...so the 1st year under Adam, I knew it was going on, but I laid low, and typical Adam ๐ the day before he was like... "shoot you should be at this".....
oh nuts too late!
(2) 2nd, year, perfect excuse,
I was running Chicago the next weekend ๐
(3) 3rd year, he asked way in advance, and to be honest, I was really sick at the time, and couldn't see my way past Sunday, so I said yes, but never really thought it would come to fruition. And then 2 weeks prior, I used the, "you know we are 6 weeks out from game day,
maybe not the best timing, right?"....he didn't bite ๐
So retreating we go.
Upon arrival, you check in and then there is an opening happy hour/dinner. And while I know most people find it hard to believe, I am a MASSIVE introvert. I have to be extroverted for work, coaching, and running sponsorship responsibilities; but outside of that I am about as introverted as it gets. People, lots of em, new people, introductions, socializing, all makes me want to run ๐ But, it went smoothly, every single woman seemed so "normal"...just like me...(am I normal?)....and talking and connecting with them seemed so very natural. There was an opening "get to know you BINGO" game, which is typically bad news for me, games/competition tend to get the best of me, I can't help myself, but I tried to be on my best behavior and not destroy everyone to win the stupid game.*
*for the record I believe I did win, there was a slight discrepancy as to whether bingo is a full card or a line, I got the whole card, and so technically I think I won, but I mean it's neither here nor there....
The 1st day, if it was the only day, would have made the retreat worth it - that's how good it was. I have attended, probably hundreds of conferences, meetings, events for running, work, coaching, etc and no matter how good they were, I ALWAYS at some point find myself looking at my watch, thinking, "okay now when this is over I will go do x, y, z." This is probably the first 48 hour period in MY LIFE, where I was present. I loved every minute, was 100% engaged, and just...happy.
We started with a track workout, where you partnered up with someone your speed....400's - only 4 of them- and was super fun, even in altitude. The best part, was while a huge part of me of course was in the "must win" camp, there was a better part of me in the, "this is really cool, to be doing this with women of all ages, backgrounds, goals, stories" camp. The speed felt good, but the feeling felt better. I ran some extra miles with Adam afterwards to get in my mileage for the day, and magically my bum hamstring just kind of healed.
Absolutely hilarious story, this awesome lady comes up to me and says are you from Phoenix, I was like, YES! How did you know? Well, we were the only 2 wearing gloves in 65 degrees #suresignyouarefromphx |
Because you have to add the picture of you running on the storied Buff Track๐ |
This was that "feeling" that was way better then "winning" |
Then lunch (all the food was AMAZING, I don't think I have ever eaten that well), and talks from Anna Paffel about "living in your fire" and Dr. Amy Oldenberg about strength training. Both, very engaging, and powerful in their own rights. One made you think about your life, one made you think about your body. Probably good to do both.
Then pilates in the park with Tracey Katona, I loved her ❤ her energy and spirit were right up my alley, the kind of person who just tells it like it is, all the time. One of my life philosophies (from my mentor Jodi), is life is too short to beat around the bush, just shoot straight. Easy to say, hard to do. But, what I am learning is people who do - are so authentic. It's refreshing. Anyways, it was awesome, I love and believe in pilates so I totally dug this.
It looks like fun and games,but it was HARRDDDDDDDDD. |
It was a perfect day, and afterwards we walked to the "Made in Nature" store where they showed us their set up and we had a happy hour with more amazing food. They got a new loyal shopper because of how incredibly friendly and welcoming they were. Plus, just learning about all their products, it's really good stuff, made with really good stuff.
We had a mini break before dinner, so I and 2 newly found amigos, headed to Pearl Street to check out the local running store, which we never made it too, but managed to drop dollars elsewhere๐ Ashley & Karen, were 2 connections I made that I hope to never lose. Some people you just automatically connect with. It's like kindergarten on your 1st day, right? Somehow you just find your peeps๐
Dinner that night, was probably the best I've ever had, cooked by Lottie Bildirici, or if you're on instagram, @runningonveggies (she specializes in athlete's diets/nutrition) - and is just another bad ass. I had butternut squash soup, which I would never eat on my own, and it was AWESOME.
this was dessert, an apple crisp concoction that I could eat all day, every day. |
...and the butternut squash soup, oh vey, amazzzzzing! |
The next day began with another cool connection. One of my amazing bridesmaids, Kerry Lee, close friends randomly came up to me and said, are you CB, Kerry talks about you!? Go figure...so naturally we planned to go for a run and get to know each other, hearing her story (powerful) and her girl crush on Kara (hysterical).
After that we had a session with Kara's strength coach; which was very cool. Personally, for me it was a huge validation of what I have been doing with my strength coach - - almost all of the same
principles and exercises. This was followed with what for me was probably the most beneficial session; self defense! Julie Morrill lead this, and it was terrific! I travel a lot and often find myself running in 'new' places by myself. I used to have a no fear attitude, but after a scary encounter in LA a year ago, I am pretty wussy now when it comes to when/where I run. Julie showed us how to use our elbows(brilliant!) and scream something very cerebral when being attacked as their act is physical, and they will hear what you are screaming, and think...wait, what? For example,mine will be" WHERE IS MY PEANUT BUTTER!?" REALLY FRIKKIN LOUD. Just the time they take to think wha?! could give you the seconds you need to run. I do still worry that I just wouldn't be strong enough....I mean when Justin pretend tackles me, I go down immediately, and I know it's coming ...maybe next time I'll try the elbows๐ #triptotheemergencyroomforbothofus
The day ended before dinner with Kara talking to us about her journey and future. I think one of the reasons Kara is so adored, is her willingness to be honest. She wears her emotions on her sleeve; which in a world where a lot seems "fake", she is authentic. I guess the pinnacle of the whole weekend was my realization that Kara is a "fighter" - - and I, over the course of the past few years have been in fight mode, in fact for a long time, I always feel like I am fighting. There is a lot of good to that - - fighters are tough, fighters grind, fighters win, fighters never, ever, ever give up. But in fighting you put your hands up by your face so you don't get hurt, and it blocks who you are. And sometimes I think I have been so busy fighting, I never let my guard down, I never let people really know who I am. Kara, is a fighter, but knows when to take the gloves off. Maybe, not her entire life, but she grew into it, and that is what I want for myself, and I guess that is why she is my hero ❤

Saturday night before I went to bed I talked to Adam about the Sunday long run. That is when he informed me we would be doing a workout. At first blush I was like, are you kidding me? Do you not recall the egg I dropped last weekend? My confidence is at an all time low, and now you want to run 16 miles at altitude, with a workout in it. Come on dude. But I took the gloves off and just listened, and decided I could do it. I barely slept that night, visualizing the run, the paces, the logistics. I woke up really early to be back in time for the "most important part of camp" at 930.
And in 30 degrees, pitch dark, in altitude I ran....exactly what I wanted to... I nailed it. Was it some crazy workout, no, but did I execute it flawlessly, yes. For the first time, in a long time, I felt like myself. I really needed that.
After showering and playing with all my post run toys, I headed down for the part that probably made me the most queasy about this whole weekend. The sharing ๐
I'll leave it at this, because I do not feel anything I could write could capture it. We each had to say one word that described us, and one thing we were going to do in the next year. And the magic, at least that I observed, was that for almost everyone's one word - their strength, what they are most proud of about themselves, was also their weakness, and what they wanted to change somehow in the year ahead. I get that.
**I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, and have gone back and forth with some of the women I met there, that weirdly, I miss them? I'll never forget that weekend or what I learned:
1. Running, is so much more than running to me. It just is. Yes, I love the sport, I love the journey, I love the hard work, there's something magical that it's just my own two legs powering me, I love the people, the community, the racing scene, the routine, I love it all. But what I love most about running is that in life we all face battles we DON'T choose, we just get. We don't choose that pain and suffering. In running we get to choose that, we opt into that, and that ability to "go there", those moments when we break through and come out on top, those moments are what have made me who I am, learning to choose that pain and run through that pain, has enabled me to persevere and deal with life....anything in life. Listening to everyone's stories reminded me of that. It's so much more then a sport for me.
2. You don't have to talk to share. I didn't really say much all weekend, I'm just not good at sharing. Sometimes listening to others helps you get it all out. And just because I didn't share my story doesn't mean I didn't share. I have said this before, but I ran miles and miles in silence with W during Chicago training, and I felt like I knew her better then most in my life. It comes out, and if people care, they hear.
3. Be kind, be gentle. Everyone, EVERYONE, has their own struggles...and someone said it well, you cannot compare hardships....my crap is worse then yours, it doesn't work that way. To everyone, the battle they face is their battle, and in their life causing them just as much pain as yours. The tricky part is you don't know what exactly is going on, so be kind, be gentle, you could be the straw that breaks the camel's back, or the rainbow they need.
4. There are so many good people out there. All we hear about is the negative, but there is way more positive. Seeing a group of 60+ women who didn't know each other, get to know each other, and hear their stories reminded me, the power of people. We can be, we are... really good.
Running brought these 2 together, Running brought these 2 into my life, and somehow Running enabled me to be at their amazing retreat |